Friday, June 10, 2011

Sleepy Dreamer Fashion Design Classes

Attention, aspiring fashion designers!

Word on the street (a.k.a. from hapa | hale's always-wonderful Aloha Friday Scoop) is that Rebecca Waldron (a.k.a. Sleepy Dreamer) - a local accessory, fashion, and graphic designer and blogger - will be teaching a four-week fashion design class starting this coming Wednesday, June 15. Classes will run from 6 - 9 pm at BYU-Hawaii in Laie.

According to her blog, "Students will learn the process of taking your designs from trend concept to actual design to physical product within each season. Students will choose their favorite brand (or create their own) and design a small line of clothing/accessories. In the process we will learn all the terms and other important details. We will touch on other aspects of the action sports industry including graphic design, sales, marketing and production and what steps you need to take to get jobs like these."
Aaaand, check out this delicious flyer for the classes! Doesn't it make you want to go EVEN MORE??


  1. Thanks so much for spreading the word. Its going to be a great class and I'm super excited! Love your blog too! I'm adding it to my reader now.

  2. I wish there was a class on Maui,I would love to have attended! Maybe one day.

  3. Rebecca - No problem! Your blog is so adorable! It's on my reader list too now :) Please do a followup post to the class and keep me posted on any other projects you do!

    Minoaka - Thanks so much for following! Maybe Rebecca can expand her classes one day :)
