Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Happenings: Center Stage Artshow

WHEW! It's been a quick minute since I've updated huh? My apologies...I've been occupied with a brand spanking new job where I get to be a part of marketing some of the hippest new real estate developments on the island cheee :D Learning a whole new industry has been my primary focus for the past month, but I haven't forgotten about my beloved Native Creatives movement!

To kickoff my first August post, we have have the Center Stage Artshow!!!  Check it out at the Honolulu Design Center this Friday AND Saturday.

Not only will the two-night event feature some amazing art, but it's also gonna be the THE OFFICIAL GREEN BOTTLE WEBSITE RELAUNCH PARTY! You remember Green Bottle from back in the day...but now they're back, older and wiser and more sophisticated too! Check out the page and keep on checking for updates on some awesome news and events going on our island paradise :)