Design To Me

{The word and world of design is oh-so broad. In my head at least, I break it down categorically as you seen in the above tabs...

Environmental Design. The design of one's surrounding conditions, and for the purposes of our Native Creatives space here, encompasses the Architectural, Interior, Landscape, and Urban Design industries. This category is particularly dear to my heart as I currently work at an urban planning and landscape architecture firm in Honolulu, and through my work and co-workers here, first became interested in good design :)

Fashion Design. From your head down to you toooes...Fashion Design is the aesthetics and functionality of our clothing and an accessories. I love me a good dress with pockets or a handbag with a secret pocket (man, pockets are awesome!), but personally am not an expert on the topic. I'm looking forward to investigating more about local fashion and accessory designers and finding out more about what goes in to their design processes.

Food Design. Doesn't food seem to taste better when there's some thought going into the presentation? Where do you think they came up with the saying "the cherry on top"? ...yeah, I don't know either, but doesn't it seem applicable to this conversation? ;) Unlike other types of designers, food designers must please two of our senses - they must be able to make the tummy go "YUM!" and the eye go "OOH!"

Graphic Design. The kind of glorious design I want to do (professionally)! Combining words, images, symbols, colors, and layout, graphic designers must convey a message and a feeling to the viewer. Did you watch Helvetica, by the way?

Industrial Design. Industrial design is the design of consumer products, like your cell Phone (haha I auto-capitalized Phone like iPhone :P), your car, or your vaccuum cleaner. I feel like it's kind of a risk giving it it's own category up there because Hawaii isn't particularly big in that industry, and there isn't a program for it at any of the local colleges. But I'm hoping that in my research for this blogject (blog + project), I will find an underground community of hardcore industrial designers dying to bust loose!!

Sustainability in Design. It gets it's own tab because it's a trend that's really is finding its way into all design industries. And so much so that I don't even think it will remain a "trend" for much longer, and rather (and hopefully) become second nature to designers. But for now, I want to highlight it with its own category to give props to those designers who are pushing for this Green Movement.

Etc. I know there are probably a lot of other design-types that I'm missing...packaging, typography, photography, etc etc....but as those designers are brought to the attention of this blogspace, I am definitely open to re-categorzing if need be.

{That all being explained, design, to me, is a visual solution to a  problem. Unlike art, which stems from the artist's desire to express him or herself, design starts with a question or objective. How can my business' personality be best expressed in a single image? How can I convey a sense of peace and calm through this room? How can this piece of clothing make a woman feel sexy?

{One of the most interesting aspects of design for me is the design process. A good designer not only creates the end-product design, but also must craft the best process by which he or she achieves it, whether it be research, sketching, one-on-one interviews, group collaboration, charette, prayer, meditation, ritual sacrifice, or a combination of these things. I hope that creating an online venue for all types of designers to showcase their process, projects, and products, others can find answers and inspiration for their own projects, no matter their discipline.